Re: Gridview header with latin characters ç ã
You could handle the RowDataBound event of the GridView. If e.Row.RowType == Header, you can loop through the cells and do the HtmlEncode on the Text. You may also want to do it for the data in the...
View ArticleRe: Gridview header with latin characters ç ã
That's my problem, how can I apply de HtmlEncode programmatically to the bound fields?anyone ?
View ArticleRe: Gridview header with latin characters ç ã
The special characters need to be HtmlEncoded. There's a method for that somewhere. The effect you are seeing is because the rendered text is NOT HtmlEncoded.
View ArticleGridview header with latin characters ç ã
Hello everyoneI' m having problems while rendering a gridview by doing:GridView listuser = new GridView(); configkey k = new configkey(); MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection cn = new...
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